Terms and Condition

Early reservation

We recommend early booking in order to secure your places on accommodation and domestic flights and to book the best of the guides available.

Last-minute booking

We established special booking provisions for trips to Nepal at the last minute. Your last-minute reservation is accepted with 100% of travel costs within 24 hours. We are also always ready to go on the journey to Nepal, almost at any time. You can contact us at +9779803851528 or send us an email.

Payment Schedule

For a tour, trek, jungle safari, special package, and adventurous package, you need to deposit US$300 per person.

If your trip involves domestic air tickets, we may have to get the tickets issued within the deadline given by the airlines, and we may request the cost of the ticket along with the tour deposit.

After we receive your deposit, we process the booking of domestic air tickets and accommodation and will get back to you with the confirmation. If some domestic airfares require immediate purchase, we will ask you to wire the payment.

Some hotels and suppliers may ask for a non-refundable deposit to guarantee the booking, and we will request to include this in the second payment.

Balance payment

The balance and final payment are due 60 days prior to departure. Credit card payments attract an additional 3.5% fee. We accept the payment from the traveler's account only.

However, we reserve the right to refuse a certain form of payment.

Wire transfer fees are to be borne by the traveler.

Cancellation and refund

Notice of cancellation and refund request must be received in written form.

Cancellation charges:

60 days prior to departure: Administrative fee: $100 per person

- 30 days prior to departure: 75% of the cost

- Less than 30 days: 100%

Cancellation and refund of domestic air ticket costs will be as per the rules and regulations of the concerned airlines, plus a service charge of US$35 per segment will be levied.

No refund or other service will be made for any unused land or air services for any reason whatsoever once the tour begins. We highly recommend that all travelers purchase trip cancellation insurance.

We also reserve the right to refuse your participation on the tour, with or without any reason. So, please do not purchase your international airfare until your participation on the tour is confirmed by us.

If a trip is canceled due to force majeure such as labor strikes, natural disasters, or war government rules that are beyond anyone’s control, client's deposits remain valid until they are ready for the trip. Alternatively, they can transfer the booked trip to others, or if the client does not wish to travel, Travel Bee will promptly refund the portion of the trip cost not already advanced to suppliers and use its best efforts to recover and refund the balance as promptly as possible.

Travel Bee Pvt. Ltd. does not guarantee recovery of any or all of the advance payments made, and our best efforts to recover these payments will not include the institution of any legal proceedings in foreign jurisdictions.

Travel Bee Pvt. Ltd. is not responsible for expenses incurred by trip members in preparing for a canceled trip, such as non-refundable advance purchases of air tickets, visa fees, inoculations, equipment, or any additional arrangements should the trip member have embarked prior to the scheduled group departure date.

The travel insurance fee, visa fee, and visa handling fee are non-refundable. Since most airline tickets are discounted, refunds may be subject to penalties from the supplier or airline, may not be in full face value, and may require the prepayment of a processing fee to Travel Bee Pvt. Ltd.

Trip Member Responsibilities

Trip members have the responsibility to select a trip appropriate to their abilities and interests.

Trip members are held responsible for being in insufficient good health to undertake the trip. Trip members are responsible for preparing for the trip by studying the itinerary and pre-departure information packets sent by Travel Bee Pvt. Ltd. and for bringing the appropriate clothing and equipment as advised therein.


Trip members may be asked to present a physical report or a doctor's recommendation for certain trips. Trip members are expected to treat each other and staff respectfully and equally, regardless of gender, race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, or nationality. Drinking and smoking while in the tour vehicle is strictly prohibited.

If a trip member is found physically or mentally unfit or exhibits disorderly conduct and the guide determines that his or her continuation on the trip seriously affects the tour, we reserve the right to remove him or her from the tour at his or her own expense, and we will not be liable for the refund of the tour payment.

If you are a journalist, government official, or diplomat, please indicate that in the trip registration form.

Our Limitations of Liability

The trip participant acknowledges that the nature of tours may involve a significant amount of risk to his or her health and safety. The trip participant hereby assumes all such risk and does hereby release Travel Bee Pvt. Ltd., its ground suppliers, agents, and guides from all claims and causes of action arising from any damages, injuries, or deaths resulting from these risks inherent in travel, visiting foreign destinations, and participating in adventurous activities such as those included in our tour itineraries. In many cases, suppliers of tour services are independent contractors, which include independent ground operators, hotels, transportation companies, airlines, and other suppliers. Because we do not own, operate, manage, control, or supervise these entities, we cannot be held liable for any acts or omissions on their part. Without limitation, Travel Bee Pvt. Ltd. is not responsible for accidents, equipment failures, vehicle accidents, illness from food or otherwise, detention, assaults, theft or criminal activity, annoyance, delays, quarantine, strikes, accidents, civil disturbances, terrorism, government restrictions or regulations, and discrepancies or changes in transit or hotel services over which we don’t have our control.

But reasonable changes in the itinerary may be made where deemed advisable for the comfort and well-being of the passengers. The right is reserved to substitute hotels, alter the itinerary, and reverse the order of places to be visited.

Customers will be informed of any necessary changes in a timely fashion. We reserve the right to change the terms and conditions of the tour at any time.


Passports and Nepal Visas

Travelers must have a valid passport that is valid for at least six months from the date of return. You can obtain your Nepal visa upon arrival at Tribhuvan International Airport or the Nepalese embassies or consulates in your country. It is your responsibility to obtain a Nepalese visa.

Note: Residents of countries such as Nigeria, Ghana, Afghanistan, Zimbabwe, Somalia, Cameroon, Swaziland, Iraq, Ethiopia, Liberia, and Palestine do not receive a visa at the entry point for Nepal.

Our Privacy Policy

We collect personally identifiable information, like names, postal addresses, email addresses, credit card information, etc., when voluntarily submitted by our visitors. We do not collect information that we don’t need for your tour reservation process. The information you provide is used to fulfill your specific request, mail you a travel brochure, tour itineraries, and quotation, and contact you in connection with your travel arrangements.

You may also receive our newsletter, but if you do not want to be on the mailing list, you can unsubscribe yourself from the list, or we will remove your address from the mailing list within 7 business days once you notify us.


We do not sell or trade your personal information with any other third parties other than our authorized agents, suppliers, subsidiaries, or government authorities who are involved in your travel reservation process and obtaining permits or visas for your travel.